Evangelistic Appeal
For the last month, I have been working on an evangelism strategy that can win thousands of souls, bless thousands of other ministries and raise thousands of dollars for TCKF. I have been thinking about the idea of TCKF offering “SAVE THE WORLD” Evangelism Kits to Christians, for a donation.

Back when I was a “young buck” (see photos) I helped create educational materials for THE NATIONAL BOWHUNTER EDUCATION FOUNDATION and the AMERICAN WILDLIFE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION. I helped form the two 501c3 conservation organizations and served as President of both eventually.
We had almost two dozen volunteer, Ph.Ds. on these two boards. We created graphic education programs, which were provided to state wildlife departments. Hundreds of thousands of dollars (back in the 70s and 80s) were raised for these two non-profit organizations, to help fund our archery and conservation efforts, by selling our materials to the state wildlife departments.
Not long ago, as I was praying, I believe the Holy Spirt prompted me to develop a similar fundraising effort for TCKF, using our new and old evangelistic tools, that we have developed over the years.
Our primary mission is to bring souls and glory to Jesus Christ.
Our quality materials can be used by anyone, any church or ministry for their own evangelistic efforts. Our materials can be used by anyone to start a discussion about Jesus, which can bring them to the LORD.
All true Believers should want to win as soul for Jesus. However, most don’t know how and are afraid to step out in faith and mention the name of Christ in public. Our evangelistic materials make this easy.
Presentation of the Gospel and with tracts has worked for ever. (The Bible is a written presentation.) Watch this.
The TCKF materials developed over the years are perfect tools to start a conversation about the Savior! The two Solar Eclipses, intersecting over the top of a giant hollow cross in Texas, at the same latitude as ISRAEL are “God things” that any Christian can use to start a conversation with a stranger.
There are dozens of great ministries putting out Salvation/Gospel Tracts. Google “Salvation Gospel Tracts” and see what you find. I did. Out of the thousands of tracts I found, none are more visually attractive than the Eclipse Tract we recently created.
Also, after doing some research, I think we have one of the shortest tracts and also the longest with our Cross brochure which has the 77 Bible verses and four prayers inside the cross.
Plus, I did not find any other ministry offering “Evangelism Kits” for believers who want to try and lead people to Jesus.
In Jesus,