Support the Coming King Foundation

Annual Membership

Prayerfully consider becoming an AMBASSADOR OF THE CROSS.  Also, pray about starting an AOTC chapter in your area!  Talking about “The Empty Cross” and The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden is a great way to start a conversation about Jesus Christ!  Thank you!

Annual Membership Benefits:

Members of this non-denominational “Jesus Fan Club” receive:

  • Certificate (first year)
  • Lapel Pin (first  year)
  • Special T-shirt (each year)
  • Audio CD or DVD (each year)
  • Evangelistic witnessing literature (each year)
  • Invitations to special events and activities at the Garden

You Can Volunteer Too

Ways to Donate

Our world is racing toward moral, social and economic collapse. Atheists are trying to remove every vestige of our Judeo Christian heritage from the culture. Others are perpetuating the lie that all belief systems, and gods, are equal. 

This apostasy is predicted in the Bible.  In the last days people will fall away from the true faith, evil will be called good, and good will be called evil. However, the light of Christ shines even brighter as spiritual darkness engulfs our world. Believers are commanded to make Jesus Christ known to this dying world.

The mission of TCKF is: To establish free Sculpture Prayer Gardens across the USA and world, to bring glory and souls to Jesus Christ.

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