“We have found those in the organization to be of high integrity and utmost character. The TCKF has placed the highest priority on reaching souls for Christ in all they do. Whether it be the sculptures themselves, the events they sponsor or the materials they produce, Jesus is always presented as the utmost of importance. So much so that it has brought them unwanted attention from groups not wanting Christ to be glorified. To their credit, they stood with boldness and deep faith and won each victory with humility. Thousands of people from a multitude of nations have visited the garden even though it is yet to be completed. Most of the time they are met by trained volunteers who share the good news of Jesus Christ and willing to pray for them. Many have come to Christ, been healed and even delivered on the spot. Our organization has given financially to their ministry and offered ourselves as various events to speak and minister. They have proven to be a wonderful asset to our community in every way imaginable. They offer the garden to churches and organizations at no cost and entry for visitors is free as well. The positive response to the garden has increased over time and seen as a wonderful addition by the citizenry. We highly recommend The Coming King Foundation to you for favorable consideration. We are convinced that they will be a credit to your membership and the greater Kingdom.”
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