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“Establishing free Sculpture Prayer Gardens across the world to bring glory and souls to Jesus Christ.”

Helen Cantu, Houston, TX

“My name is Helen Cantu. I live in Houston, TX. I have suffered from back pain for 15 years. I had two surgeries, but they did not work. I still was in pain. The doctor wanted to do another surgery, but I said no. Then, on May 30, 2016, my daughter and son- in-law took me to visit The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden. While there, I got a rock and put my prayer request on it. Then, I went to The Empty Cross and stayed in there, and prayed for my back to be healed. By the time we left there, my back pain had gone away. And, ever since then my back pain has left my body. God has answered my prayer. I can now do things I could not do before.”

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