Support the Coming King Foundation

“Establishing free Sculpture Prayer Gardens across the world to bring glory and souls to Jesus Christ.”

Bruce Cook, PhD. , WA

“Congratulations to you and Sherry and TCKF! I am proud of you and Sherry and all that the Lord has done through you and your team! Caroline and I stand with you in celebrating the fulfillment of this prophecy and prophetic vision God has given the two of you! It is a joy and honor to have served and stood with you for 5 years on the Board of Trustees including the period during the lawsuit from the neighboring property owners, and helping secure the first foundation grant. I was privileged to have played a small part in what God is doing there through you and so many others, to help lift up your arms, and help get you out of the hot water. I sense prophetically God is not finished yet. He has more land to give you, and more resources. You have been faithful to the calling and vision and mission. Now is the time and season when God will show Himself strong to you in some new and fresh ways. As Chairman of Kingdom Congressional International Alliance (KCIA), a global alliance of apostolic and prophetic leaders in the body of Christ, I send our warm wishes and congratulations to you, Sherry, the TCKF Board of Trustees, and the donors, supporters, volunteers, intercessors, contractors, churches and city/community leaders who have joined together to help make this historic day possible and to create this memorable and momentous milestone in the life of Kerrville, the State of Texas, and the Kingdom of God.”

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