Support the Coming King Foundation

“Establishing free Sculpture Prayer Gardens across the world to bring glory and souls to Jesus Christ.”

Kathy Lyles, TCKF Trustee & Gardener, Fredericksburg, TX

“Last Tuesday I had to bring my husband to Kerrville for an appointment. I told him while we were there I wanted to see the waterfall fountain, so we drove up to the garden and he stayed in the truck. I happened to run into Johnny Sharp then for a moment. When I climbed the steps and saw the garden, it looked so beautiful! I began working in the garden last June and this was the longest I had gone without working there, so it was like I had fresh eyes. The Big Tooth Maples, with the rock mulch lining the walk to the cross looked so good—very simple and clean. When I got to the fountain, I exclaimed ‘Yahoo!’ or ‘Yipee!’, or something along those lines, because I was so excited to see it. And, it is spectacular! I just stood there beside the fountain and looked all around the garden and it is beautiful, and there is so much yet to come! Just had to tell you!”

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