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“Establishing free Sculpture Prayer Gardens across the world to bring glory and souls to Jesus Christ.”

Tom and Mary Pucci, TCKF Tour Guide Chaplains, Kerrville, TX

“Our friends, Martha and Jimmy Dusek came to visit us. While here Martha requested that we go to the Cross and pray over her hip, knee and foot. One foot was shorter than the other so much so that she always had to us a lift in her shoe. After praying over her, she told me today she no longer has any pain in her hip, knee or foot. Her foot definitely grew and she can continue her mile walks each day without pain at all. PRAISE the LORD! We should also add that (Tour Guide Chaplain) Karl Jack was there when we arrived, and he also prayed with us for Martha. He prayed and sang over us too for Josh’s complete and total healing. So this was definitely a FULL SCALE PRAYER TIME by the Coming King Foundation Chaplains. We are looking ahead to the new year and serving fully on God’s Mountain. We bless the wonderful work happening daily, weekly and monthly as we all see God’s Kingdom Come on Earth as it is in Heaven!”

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