Support the Coming King Foundation

“Establishing free Sculpture Prayer Gardens across the world to bring glory and souls to Jesus Christ.”

Roz Bell, Kerrville, TX

“We love you Lord, we put our Faith and Trust in you, please send your Guardian Angels to surround all of those in need in our TCKF FAMILY and provide a hedge of protection… We rejoice in the knowledge that our mighty warriors are protected with the whole Armor of God and that it presents such a threat to the devil. No evil demon or weapon shall prosper against us. The Devil is trembling as he sees the people coming to The Empty Cross, to draw near to you Lord. Souls are being saved, people are being healed, more and more people are being Baptized and receiving forgiveness of sins by the Blood of Jesus that was shed on The Cross! More Sculpture Prayer Gardens are and will continue to multiply according to Your Divine Plan that You gave to Max & Sherry. The years of painstaking hardships and false accusations did not deter them from fighting the good fight and YOU HELPED THEM ALONG WITH YOUR TCKF ARMY WIN THE BATTLE IN RAISING THE CROSS! Now, the Lion of Judah has been received in Israel, next our very own LOJ will be glorified in His Mighty Fortress here at the magnificent Coming King Sculptured Prayer Garden… from there only God knows, the possibilities are endless! Thank you, Jesus. Keep us steadfast in Your love, unfaltering in our Faith, strong when we feel weak and free from any demonic forces that try to form against all of our TCKF Family and loved ones. We pray for an abundance of blessings, physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially. We pray that the donations will increase to help expand Your Prayer Garden and it will be multiplied beyond our prayers and expectations, all for the Glory of God! In Yeshua’s name, Amen!”

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