“THE WATER HAS PARTED! God has worked a great miracle that was predicted and witnessed by many! Now it is reality! And the best is yet to come! This afternoon at 5:00 P.M., the 23 acres of land which cost $500,000, on IH-10 here in Kerrville, was purchased for the first Sculpture Prayer Garden, by a single donor, just as prophesied by many of you, thus fulfilling the many prophetic Words we have received over the last three years! Literally, dozens of prophesies have now been fulfilled, which I will share later in detail and post on our websites, when I have time to write them out. Of course, one of the most dramatic miracles occurred when the land donor (Hershel Reid) prayed and asked God (on 9/16/05) to show him a hawk if he was to buy the land for our non-profit foundation. God filled the sky with at least nine (wild Northern Harrier) hawks, at the same time, which he saw! (This miracle was witnessed by 19 Christians and video taped by Becky Jons.) Though I am exhausted, I want to write now and thank each of you for your Words and the hundreds of prayers you have said for the Gardens, since December 9, 2001 (When Dr. Mashesh Chavda first prophesied in Austin, TX at Cathedral of Praise, that the Greiners would be involved in the restoration of the last days Tabernacle.) Our prayers have now been answered, literally, with dramatic, Biblical type visions, miracles, signs, wonders and provision! Two recent Words I will share tonight: Becky Jons told us today, that this day, that God actually purchased the land for His Garden, is November 10, 2005: 11-10-05= 8, 11+10+05=26 and 2+6=8. Eight is God’s number for New BEGINNINGS or Resurrection! John Meder, the Intercessor from Dallas prophesied from the beginning that God would place the first Garden in Kerrville. At the time we all expected the first Garden would be in Beaumont, TX since we thought we had a donor willing to do the project. (Friend of Marlon Quibodeaux) However, John said otherwise. Here is the latest Word for the LORD, given through John on 10/30/05: A new prophecy…tell Max that this is much bigger than he thinks. Besides reaching the lost and drawing the saved much closer to Me in their daily walks, the Gardens will also pull My church together. It breaks My heart to see My church fragmented, competing against one another, criticizing on another, this simply will stop! And the Gardens will play a part.
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