“My sister from Colorado, Mary Jean and her severely handicapped son, Vincent came to visit me in Kerrville Texas. I had told Mary Jean about the Cross and how one could sense God’s presence when visiting the Cross. While out to dinner with friends, the subject of Angel Orbs and Glory Dust came up. Two of my friends, Tommy and Lana, showed her pictures and shared how God announced His presence by sprinkling Glory Dust on people, especially after prayer up at the Cross. The very next day, I drove my Mary Jean and Vincent up to the Cross for prayer, blessings, and enjoy this magnificent place. Karl Jack, a Tour Guide Chaplain, happened to be up there on duty, so I introduced Mary Jean to Karl and asked Karl to pray in Tongues over Vincent. Karl said he had a confirmation from God to sing a blessing in Tongues over Vincent. Karl sings in an ancient Jewish dialect, so he has been told. Karl does not speak this language or understand it! It is a gifted prayer language he sings. When Karl placed his hand on Vincent’s shoulder and began to sing; my sister Mary Jean stated she felt God’s blessings in this prayer. After Karl finished, I looked at my hand and could see a little Glory Dust. Mary Jean had placed her right hand on Vincent during the prayer, being sung in Tongues. I asked her to check her hand and it was heavily sprinkled with Glory Dust. Mary Jean was amazed, as the first time she had experienced this, was at this very moment. She had only learned of it the night before. To have God manifest His presence at this time and in this way blessed both Mary Jean and Vincent. Needless to say Mary Jean was amazed and very thankful for this special gift from God.”
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