Support the Coming King Foundation

“Establishing free Sculpture Prayer Gardens across the world to bring glory and souls to Jesus Christ.”

Jim McKnight, TCKF Tour Guide Chaplain, Kerrville, TX

“I sensed during the(Dedication) event JOY of the Lord. Our plans were fine, but God wanted to do things His way. The event was good – real good – all of the planners and workers should be very pleased with the outcome. It was a festive atmosphere. Pastor David (Danielson) described his experiences last Saturday night at Church, that all day at the Garden there was a divine atmosphere that saturated the hill top. If you really want to attack the enemy keep doing events that ask people to come and pray for our Country and Israel. TCKF is a perfect ministry to accomplish this necessary corporate communication to God. Louada has a special gifting and calling to help lead in this offense. TCKF could be one of the leaders in our county where we pray for the USA and Israel. With streaming video and more cameras, people from all over can participate.This can be a modest event without a lot of preparation. Where two or three gather at The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden, the schemes of the enemy can be replaced by God’s plans. I am so grateful to your faithfulness to the vision God gave you. It was a privilege to try to help out at the September 13 event. Good job good and faithful servant.”

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