Support the Coming King Foundation

“Establishing free Sculpture Prayer Gardens across the world to bring glory and souls to Jesus Christ.”

Col. Bill Lewis (92) Tour Guide Chaplain, Kerrville, TX

“Admission to the Garden is free; only the office and maintenance staff receive a salary. I have been a volunteer Tour Guide/Chaplain since October 2010. I spend roughly five hours a week spending time with our many visitors; they come from all over the world; I have met people from China, South Africa, The Philippines, Mexico, Canada, Costa Rico, Columbia, Peru, Norway, England, Ireland, Scotland, most of the European Nations, Turkey Greece and Israel. In these United States, I have visited with folks from the 49th and 50th states, and well over half of the lower forty eight states. People come to the Cross and Garden for many reasons; prayer is the most often received request. The primary purpose for the Cross is to help the lost and lonely in this world find their way to an Eternal relationship with their Savior. This is a recent example; I was blessed this past Monday to help a young man, a recovering drug and alcohol addict, to enter that relationship. A few weeks ago my partner and I baptized a beautiful young lady from Italy. Just yesterday, Veterans Day, in two hours I visited with over sixty guests; many were first time visitors. We prayed for nearly all of them; they came for a variety of reasons. I have heard virtually every flattering adjective in the Thesaurus used to describe the Garden Cross, I hear AWESOME most every time a teen comes to the Garden for the first time.”

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